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Content with Industries Research .
Can ChatGPT work with your enterprise data?
ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for working with enterprise data by analyzing, understanding, generat...
Work smarter with our Content ClassiFile
Suppose you have a large amount of content that needs migrating over from an existing platform. In t...
Modernize legacy case management with Salesforce and Microsoft SharePoint Online
Information management is an umbrella term that covers all processes to do with data within an organ...
THREE reasons you should migrate from Citrix ShareFile to SharePoint/OneDrive
Citrix ShareFile and other similar legacy File Sync and Share systems have had their day.
Top Tips for Secure Remote Working with Office 365
The recent health scare around coronavirus (COVID-19) has got everyone, quite rightly, working from ...
Best Practices for Migrating Content from iManage to SharePoint
Microsoft’s SharePoint has become a leader in the Content Services sector thanks to its ease of use,...
CIO Series: The Value of Intelligent Migration to Office 365
Legacy ECM systems have provided sophisticated functionality to organizations for some time.
How SharePoint Syntex uses AI to Meet Transactional Content Management Challenges
The clue to what Transactional Content Management (TCM) is lies in the very nomenclature: it’s about...
Transforming monolithic .NET applications with Azure: A guide for ISVs
As software applications grow and evolve over time, monolithic applications, built using traditional...
Why you should migrate to a cloud-based office
Cloud computing has many advantages. One of the main ones is advanced security. With so many cyber t...
Going paperless: good for your green credentials and your productivity
For many reasons 2020 will be a memorable year. In addition to the pandemic, this year will be reme...
5 Reasons to migrate to modern SharePoint
Modern SharePoint is the new and improved big brother to its classic on-premises predecessor. It has...