Data and AI

Drive operational efficiency by knowing your content. We bring together data, analytics and AI to create new possibilities for your organization
DNA Content.
Know the DNA of your Content

Remove potential risks to your data with Proventeq's Content Analyser

Content Integrity
Preserve Content Integrity

We will help you create an easy-to-understand migration strategy for transferring your organization to Microsoft 365.

Eliminate Data ROT
Eliminate Data ROT

Securely audit and organize your unstructured data whilst removing redundant, obsolete & trivial data

Business Intelligence and Data Visualization
Microsoft Fabric Services

Using our Microsoft Fabric end-to-end data Services, Proventeq can centralize all your business data and bring together your teams to make decisions from a common platform.

Intelligent Document Processing
Intelligent Document Processing

Support your business goals by unlocking value from your unstructured data.

Cognitive Search Services

Take the first step towards a more intelligent search, efficient information retrieval, and data-driven future.

Shadow Card

The exponential growth of unstructured data could be costing your business bottom line.

Extract valuable and actionable insights from your unstructured data with Proventeq.
Reduce operational costs

By minimizing manual data processing work.

Increase revenue

Through the valuable business insight in your unstructured content.

Improve employee experience

Whilst also increasing productivity.

Blogs & Resources

Insightful resources to help you stay at the cutting edge of modern business content services.
Salesforce Integration with SPO
Updating legacy business intelligence systems with Microsoft Power BI

With Power BI, businesses can easily access, visualize, and analyze their data. Read our blog to find out the pros and cons and best practice with your data and visualization project.

How AI-powered intelligent search can boost productivity in the workplace

How much time do you spend each day searching for documents - presentations, co...

How SharePoint Syntex uses AI to Meet Transactional Content Management Challenges

The clue to what Transactional Content Management (TCM) is lies in the very nome...

Eliminating your ROT data with Proventeq

ROT (redundant - obsolete - trivial) data is content accumulating within your co...

Swoosh Curve
Ready to uncover the untapped wisdom in your business data?