News, insights & guidance

Content with Content Type eBook .

Intelligent Search and Knowledge Management platforms with AI
As AI continues its ascent, the future of intelligent Knowledge Management unveils exciting trends. ...

Replacing costlier
RPA with Power Platforms
Migrate from your legacy RPA tool to a modern Microsoft RPA platform successfully
Content AI: The must-have
solution for intelligent content
Discover how generative AI can be leveraged to manage the
content lifecycle in the digital works...
SharePoint Migration:
Expectations vs Reality
Your guide to building a migration business case with confidence
Enabling successful migrations fromOpenText Content Server
to Microsoft 365
This eBooks provides insights on the suitability of SharePoint and Microsoft 365
as a modern and...

Your guide to intelligent Digital Experience Management
A comprehensive guide to Digital Experience Management
and benefits of using intelligent platfor...

Full fidelity migration from legacy
ECM platforms to SharePoint
This eBook will navigate you through the complexities involved in migrating non-Microsoft systems to...

Make paper an
endangered office species
Cut the paper clutter and reduce your carbon footprint
by embracing a digital workplace
Full fidelity migration from
OpenText eDOCS to SharePoint
Migration best practice to optimize business productivity and growth
Full fidelity migration from
IBM FileNet to SharePoint
This eBook will navigate you through the complexities involved in IBM FileNet
to SharePoint migr...

Move smarter:
A guide to intelligent migration
Navigate the complexities of migrating legacy systems to SharePoint