Air Lease

iManage ECM Modernization

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Client Profile

Launched in 2010, Air Lease Corporation (ALC) is an aircraft leasing company based in Los Angeles, California that has airline customers throughout the world. ALC and its team of dedicated and experienced professionals are principally engaged in purchasing commercial aircraft and leasing them to its airline partners worldwide through customized aircraft leasing and financing solutions.

As a confirmed Microsoft house, Air Lease wanted to implement SharePoint Online to create "a more cohesive Office 365 environment". They were also keen to move away from iManage after ten years due to its limited adoption across the busines and restrictive external support. "There were a lot of frustrations with the system" said Assistant Vice President, Business Systems, Pinella Shapiro.

Air Lease had struggled to find a partner to meet their needs until they found Proventeq and were won over by our proven best practice process and our Migration Accelerator software’s ability to meet their advanced meta data inheritance requirements.

Following a successful proof-of-concept in October 2019 we worked with Air Lease to develop a three-phase migration plan across six months, so as not to overwhelm their end users.








SharePoint Online

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Air Lease's Unique Challenges

Inefficient management & support

iManage system support relied on an external party, which restricted their capabilities and reactiveness, leading to delays in updates. Now Air Lease are able to support their new SharePoint platform internally.

Business executive buy-in

Directors and legal team, although frustrated with facets of iManage, were used to it after ten years and nervous about the potential disruption of migration After evaluating the success of Proventeq’s proof-of-concept the business was won over to SharePoint.

Specific legal date requirements

Other companies they spoke to could not retain dates on documents – date created; date modified. But Air Lease wanted to keep all of their meta data. Proventeq were able to do this by tailoring the SharePoint architecture to Air Lease’s specific requirements.

Limited reporting impacting productivity

Air Lease’s legacy iManage system didn’t have an inbuilt reporting function, which restricted the optimisation capabilities of the business systems team. The reporting functionality in SharePoint driven by PowerBI integration now gives Air Lease deep insight into their content and its usage.

Proventeq's Solution

Maintaining business continuity and productivity
Discovery and analysis

Discovery & analysis

After meeting with the client’s team to understand their migration requirements, Proventeq performed a full discovery and analysis of content with Content Analyser to identify and understand the existing content landscape.

IA optimization

Classification and separation of data was efficiently processed to meet the demands of accessibility and navigation within the new SharePoint architecture.

Information architecture optimization
Pilot migration

Pilot migration

Migration Accelerator’s pilot migration feature allowed full mapping of all content and proved the revised content architecture worked according to business expectations prior to live migration; keeping their business operational on their existing ECM system before the go-live of SharePoint Online.

Full-fidelity live migration

Once the team at Air Lease were satisfied with the migration design and target system architecture, Migration Accelerator was utilised to execute a full fidelity migration with an item-level audit trail. This ensured that all items were successfully migrated.

Full fidelity live migration

The Results

Increased productivity

Air Lease will be more productive over the long term because SharePoint is so much more integrated with the overall environment that they are in. It will make their life easier.

New reporting functionality

Reporting simply didn't exist before in their iManage. With SharePoint and PowerBI Air Lease gets a lot more tools to run integrity reports and overall do different types of searches using the reporting tool.

Global multi-device availability

Native integration with Microsoft 365 removes the need for additional plugins on individual computers, plus its cross-device versatility is an unforeseen necessity to enable remote working. All in all, Air Lease found the SharePoint interface was more intuitive and easier to use.

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The project was great. Everything went smoothly; and Proventeq was very responsive to any additional questions or requests that we had. Overall migration was a very good experience.

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