News, insights & guidance


Content with Industries Healthcare .

Header-How aipowered intelligent search can boost productivity in the workplace
How AI-powered intelligent search can boost productivity in the workplace

How much time do you spend each day searching for documents - presentations, contracts, proposals, ...

Header-Why composable architecture is the future of digital experiences
Why Composable Architecture is the Future of Digital Experiences

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, organizations must deliver exceptional digital experi...

Header-5 reasons to migrate to modern sharePoint
5 Reasons to migrate to modern SharePoint

Modern SharePoint is the new and improved big brother to its classic on-premises predecessor. It has...

Header-Modernize legacy case platforms with composable case mgm
Modernize Legacy Case Platforms with Composable Case Management

Effective case management has always been a challenge for legacy case management solutions.

Header-How can Generative AI help you improve employee engagement
How can Generative AI help you improve employee engagement?

One of the biggest challenges for private organizations is a poor employee retention rate.

healthcare-and-technology thumbnail
Case Study
Alira Health

Case Study

Content AI
Content AI: The must-have
solution for intelligent content

Discover how generative AI can be leveraged to manage the
content lifecycle in the digital works...

SharePoint Migration : Expectation vs Reality
SharePoint Migration:
Expectations vs Reality

Your guide to building a migration business case with confidence

OpenText Content Server to Microsoft 365 eBook
Enabling successful migrations fromOpenText Content Server
to Microsoft 365

This eBooks provides insights on the suitability of SharePoint and Microsoft 365
as a modern and...

Employee Experience (EX) with Microsoft Viva
Business Guide
Employee Experience (EX)

A new differentiator in the modern workplace

Swoosh Curve
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